Rent my brain to write code, design systems, give programming advice or discover ways to optimize your startup / business.

Things I can do for You

1. Develop MVPs

I've worked in lots of different fronts of programming. I have created frontends, backends of various sites. Created ML models, Data Pipelines for apps too. I've hosted various apps sometimes using AWS and K8s, other times using managed solutions like Heroku etc.

Hence, I can create whatever you have in mind and would be able to iterate quickly. Founders need more assistance from the engineers than just building their app. I am able to help with things like determining feasibility of their idea, refining future requirements, anticipating hurdles, scalability of their product, cost estimation, timelines etc. Essentially, I act as a Tech Cofounder while you look for one.

2. Software Development

If you already have a Team and a working product, I can help you deliver new features. I also have a great eye for the overall architecture and I dare to challenge the status quo in healthy doses. If you are looking to enhance your team, I'd be happy to be on board.

3. Technical Consulting

If you're non technical and looking for some opinion on any technical topic, I'm happy to help! You can schedule a meeting from the link given below.

If you're interested, then send mail at or book a meet here